[Medium] 手寫 consolidateData(整合數據)


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假設你正在開發一款閱讀 App,該 App 追蹤用戶的閱讀相關紀錄,會有以下格式記錄的資料:

const sessions = [
  { user: 8, duration: 50, books: ["The Hobbit"] },
  { user: 7, duration: 150, books: ["Pride and Prejudice"] },
  { user: 1, duration: 10, books: ["The Lord of the Rings"] },
  { user: 7, duration: 100, books: ["The Great Gatsby", "Animal Farm"] },
  { user: 7, duration: 200, books: ["The Great Gatsby"] },
  { user: 2, duration: 200, books: ["1984"] },
  { user: 2, duration: 200, books: ["The Great Gatsby"] },


  • user:讀者的用戶 ID。
  • duration:閱讀的持續時間,以分鐘為單位。
  • books:閱讀的書籍標題,以陣列形式按字母排序。

現在你需要實作一個 consolidateData 函式,來合併每個用戶的閱讀資料,合併規則如下:

  1. 將相同用戶的資料合併為單一物件。
  2. 將合併的 duration 欄位相加。
  3. 合併 books 陣列,移除重複書名,並按字母順序排序。
  4. 保持結果的原始順序。
  5. 如果多筆資料屬於同一用戶,合併後的應取代原始集合中該用戶最早出現的位置。
  6. 不要修改輸入物件。


  { user: 8, duration: 50, books: ["The Hobbit"] },
    user: 7,
    duration: 450,
    books: ["Animal Farm", "Pride and Prejudice", "The Great Gatsby"],
  { user: 1, duration: 10, books: ["The Lord of the Rings"] },
  { user: 2, duration: 400, books: ["1984", "The Great Gatsby"] },


以下是本題的解答,詳細解題思路可以在 E+ 成長計畫看到。如果想練習更多題目,推薦可以到 GreatFrontEnd 上練習


function consolidateData(sessions) {
  const mergedData = [];
  const seenUsers = new Set();

  for (const session of sessions) {
    const userId = session.user;

    if (seenUsers.has(userId)) {
      const existingIndex = mergedData.findIndex(
        (user) => user.user === userId

      mergedData[existingIndex].duration += session.duration;
      mergedData[existingIndex].books = Array.from(
        new Set([...mergedData[existingIndex].books, ...session.books])
    } else {
        user: userId,
        duration: session.duration,
        books: session.books,

  return mergedData;
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